Teresa Rodrigues, Ana Campos
Pages: 1-17
Published: 1 Jun 2017
Views: 2,388
Downloads: 678
Abstract: EU is trying to reduce its dependence of fossil energies, assure alternative energy sources, and increase its energy security. It leads a global energy transition, which involves a considerable change in consumption/production profiles, energy market, transit and security supply. Portugal has been pointed as a good case of European politics: since 2006 it reduced 12% its external dependence, betting on renewable energies (+35%), and quadrupled electricity production from renewable energy fonts. In a global insecure context it can became a strategic country in energy issues.
Keywords: european union, portugal, energy policy, renewable energy
Cite this article: Teresa Rodrigues, Ana Campos. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY IN EU - LESSONS FROM PORTUGAL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 1-17 (2017).
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