Vladimír Pitschmann, Lukáš Matějovský, Michal Dymák, Tomáš Dropa, Martin Urban, Iva Vošahlíková
Pages: 18-23
Published: 1 Jun 2017
Views: 2,540
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Abstract: This paper describes the partial results of the development of a new biosensor of cholinesterase inhibitors based on biochemical enzymatic reaction with colorimetric evaluation. A biosensor consists of an indicator zone with immobilised enzyme (butyrylcholinesterase), an auxiliary zone with a substrate (butyrylthiocholine) and a chromogenic agent, as well as a zone with colour etalon. The presence of cholinesterase inhibitors is indicated by the fact that there is no discoloration of the chromogenic reagent. A biosensor is suitable for the rapid and simple detection of chemical warfare agents (nerve gases) or industrial pesticides (organophosphates, carbamates) in water and in the air.
Keywords: butyrylcholinesterase, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, physostigmine, inhibitors
Cite this article: Vladimír Pitschmann, Lukáš Matějovský, Michal Dymák, Tomáš Dropa, Martin Urban, Iva Vošahlíková. CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITOR BIOSENSORS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 18-23 (2017).
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