Dzhubatyrova Sanya Safiyevna, Niyazbekova Aktoty Bolatovna, Almagambetova Maira Zhaubasarovna, Bissalieva Zhazira Ensepovna
Pages: 203-210
Published: 1 Jun 2017
Views: 2,000
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Abstract: As a result of increasing anthropogenic activities, the heavy metal pollution of atmosphere, soil and water is a growing environmental problem affecting crop quality and production and human health. Soil pollution by heavy metals is a serious and growing problem. Defining the criteria of ecological state of soil and vegetation in the area of oil and gas field (KOGCF) was carried out according to conventional techniques. Dominant plants were sampled (Artemisia and euphorbia) from the investigating area for studying the accumulation of heavy metals and establishing the nature of their impact on the morpho-physiological processes of the plant body. Data of the translocation factor and biological absorption coefficient are characteristic indicators of the accumulation of heavy metals by plants from the soil.
Keywords: artemisia, euphorbia, biological absorption coefficient, translocation factor, heavy metals
Cite this article: Dzhubatyrova Sanya Safiyevna, Niyazbekova Aktoty Bolatovna, Almagambetova Maira Zhaubasarovna, Bissalieva Zhazira Ensepovna. ECOSYSTEMS FUNCTIONING FEATURES IN THE ZONE OF ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 203-210 (2017).
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