Marcin Żekało
Pages: 113-121
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,863
Downloads: 248
Abstract: Organic farming is still a niche agricultural production in Poland. However, for many farmers it can be seen as an attractive alternative, especially in regions with more extensive way of agricultural production. The organic dairy farming may be considered as a one of profitable agricultural production. Based on the survey of Polish FADN system, results obtained in organic dairy farms indicate the economic profitability of the milk production, despite weaker production results compared to conventional dairy farms. Organic dairy farms may be competitive due to lower direct costs incurred on the milk production and significant support by subsidies received.
Keywords: organic milk, dairy farm income, extensive production, subsidies
Cite this article: Marcin Żekało. THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF ORGANIC DAIRY FARMS IN POLAND IN 2014. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 113-121 (2017).
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