Valeria Ivanova
Pages: 263-268
Published: 17 Jul 2017
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Abstract: Results of the study on the use of coniferous species in the parks and gardens of the Plovdiv region are presented. There are included eight of the largest settlements in the region - Plovdiv, Pazardjik, Stamboliiski, Asenovgrad, Popovitsa, Hissar, Banya and Karlovo. There are 27 of the most common coniferous trees and shrubs in Bulgaria. According to a special methodology, the living and decorative level of these species was determined. Coniferous species were found to be the smaller part of the total number of plants invested in the parks and gardens of this part of the Thracian Plain. The vitality and decorativity of the majority of individuals is considered unsatisfactory. It is recommended to increase the percentage of use of conifers and shrubs using seedlings produced in nurseries in the same region. Restrict the use of the species Abies alba, Abies concolor, Pinus nigra, Metasequoia gliptostroboides. Expand the use of the species Cedrus, Chamaecyparis, Picea, Pinus, Cupressus, Juniperus.
Keywords: coniferous species, number of coniferous species, plovdiv region, vitality level, decorative level
Cite this article: Valeria Ivanova. CONIFEROUS SPECIES – VITALITY AND DECORATIVE LEVEL IN GREEN AREAS OF PLOVDIV REGION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 263-268 (2017).
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