Marieta Stefanova, Denka Zlateva, Antoaneta Stoyanova
Pages: 281-293
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,798
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Abstract: The quality management and control systems in biscuit production process cover the processes of raw materials supply and their storage under controlled conditions, all the individual steps in the process: preparing and molding the dough, baking, cooling, packaging, as well as shipping and sale of the product on the market. The requirements for achieving continuous, sustainable quality of the biscuit products are met through compliance with regulated activities at each step of the production process. The aim of this study is to determine the appropriate management and control to be applied at each step of the technological process of producing biscuits, for the purpose of achieving sustainable quality. The study is based on a qualitative approach and constitutes a thorough analysis of the state of quality management in a real situation. The quality of 90 different batches of biscuits produced before, during and after the implementation of a system for monitoring and control of the production processes was examined by sensory parameters. It was found that the sensory parameters of biscuit products manufactured after the implementation of a system for monitoring and control of the technological process had achieved sustainability.
Keywords: food safety, quality management, sensory analysis, biscuit products, sustainable quality
Cite this article: Marieta Stefanova, Denka Zlateva, Antoaneta Stoyanova. IMPACT OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE QUALITY OF BISCUITS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 281-293 (2017).
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