Yuliya Dulyanska, Bruno Esteves, Paulo Barracosa, Idalina Domingos, José Ferreira, Luís Teixeira de Lemos, Luísa Cruz-Lopes
Pages: 302-308
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,662
Downloads: 294
Abstract: Cynara cardunculus L. is a well-adapted plant to Mediterranean climate that has been largely investigated as fuel crop. The main objective of this study was to optimize the percentage of Cynara Cardunculus L. liquefaction by polyols in order to test the potentiality of this culture for the production of high added value products from the liquefied material. The liquefaction was performed in a double shirt reactor heated by oil using a mixture of ethyleneglycol and glycerol catalyzed by sulfuric acid. Trials were carried out at different: particles size, temperatures 140-200 ºC and time 15-120 min. Initial chemical composition was also determined. Results showed that CC is a material in which cellulose is the major component (with around 46.3 %), followed by Klason lignin (with around 25.3%) and insoluble hemicelluloses in hot water (6.64%). Optimal conditions to attain the best liquefaction yield were 200ºC, 60 min and a 60-80 particle size.
Keywords: liquefaction, cynara cardunculus l., polyalcohol liquefaction, temperature
Cite this article: Yuliya Dulyanska, Bruno Esteves, Paulo Barracosa, Idalina Domingos, José Ferreira, Luís Teixeira de Lemos, Luísa Cruz-Lopes. LIQUEFACTION OPTIMIZATION OF CYNARA CARDUNCULUS L.. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 302-308 (2017).
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