Pavel Čermák, Věra Přenosilová, Gabriela Mühlbachová, Tomáš Lošák, Jaroslav Hlušek
Pages: 339-345
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 1,765
Downloads: 288
Abstract: Some of the selected basic parameters of soil fertility are observed in the Czech Republic in long term system of agrochemical soil testing. The results of determination of soil reaction and contents of available essential nutrients (P, K, Mg, Ca) are used for determination of most suitable application rates of nutrients for the best nutrient management – i.e. rates for high yields and quality of production and simultaneously rates friendly to environment. Under financial support of National Agency for Agricultural Research (project No QJ1530171) and simultaneously in the interest of system of harmonized plant nutrition and fertilisation the testing system is improved and developed by: - determination next elements – sulphur and micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, B) through uniform analytical method Mehlich 3 (and laboratory equipment ICP-OES) with minimum other expenses for users (land owners, agricultural farms and laboratories); - adaptation of more accurate correction for determination of phosphorus in carbonate soils; - better utilization of fertilizers in given regions and reduction of risks of phosphorus leaching into underground waters and danger of surface waters and the related environment; - new determination of assessment criteria of soil supply with nutrients for subsequent more accurate specification of fertilization doses; All results of this testing system are stored in Land Parcel Information System (LPIS) - system based on the actual use of land in a geographic information database. Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic uses LPIS as an administrative tool in control system and LPIS also functions as a service for the farmers themselves.
Keywords: soil testing, plant nutrition, mehlich 3, lpis
Cite this article: Pavel Čermák, Věra Přenosilová, Gabriela Mühlbachová, Tomáš Lošák, Jaroslav Hlušek. TESTING OF SOIL PROPERTIES – BASIC TOOL FOR RATIONAL NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT IN AGRICULTURE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 339-345 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001425/
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