Mustafa Ogutcu, Nazan Arifoglu, Elif Dincer, Emin Yilmaz
Pages: 366-373
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 2,414
Downloads: 624
Abstract: Sesame paste (tahini), produced from one of the oldest known oilseed sesame is an important traditional food product widely consumed in Anatolia since ancient times. In this study, the changes in the physical, chemical and rheological characteristics of tahini with respect to different sesame environmental growth conditions are evaluated. Processes applied during tahini production cause structural changes and the environmental conditions and producing mixtures may also affect the tahini structure. These changes in tahini rheology affect the storage period and viscosity of tahini.
Keywords: tahini, quality, processing
Cite this article: Mustafa Ogutcu, Nazan Arifoglu, Elif Dincer, Emin Yilmaz. FACTORS AFFECTING TAHINI QUALITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 366-373 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001428/
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