Sebahattin Yilmaz, Yaşar Akça, Sefer Saçlik
Pages: 389-397
Published: 17 Jul 2017
Views: 2,009
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Abstract: In this study, to determine fruit biomass production capability of walnut, three components (green husk, inshell and whole green fruit) of six different walnut cultivars (Fernette, Pedro, Kaman-1, Franquette, Fernor and Chandler) were investigated. Biomass values of fruit parts were determined by weighting. Samples were picked from trees of cultivars as green walnut at optimum harvest dates. Fresh green walnut biomass values of cultivars were determined after harvest. Then fresh and dry biomass values of green husk (hull) and inshell walnut were determined separately. To determine differences in biomass partitioning in fruits of cultivars, ratios between green husk and inshell walnut biomass values were calculated. Obtained data were statistically analyzed to compare cultivars. Green husk and inshell biomass partitioning were found significantly different between cultivars. Green husk biomass partitioning in Franquette cultivar was found the highest and inshell biomass partitioning was found the highest in Chandler cultivars. Results show that cultivars produce 16.95 % and 33.94 % dry green husk biomass for every unit dry inshell biomass.
Keywords: walnut, green husk, inshell, biomass, inshell-husk ratio
Cite this article: Sebahattin Yilmaz, Yaşar Akça, Sefer Saçlik. GREEN HUSK AND INSHELL BIOMASS PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF SIX WALNUT CULTIVARS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 389-397 (2017).
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