Vincenzo Alfonso Cosimo
Pages: 414-424
Published: 23 Jul 2017
Views: 1,779
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Abstract: Carrying out an effective seismic risk prevention strategy requires a thorough knowledge of the territory, the land and the constructions built in the area, information that is indispensable in order to analyse limit conditions in urban risk prevention planning. To this end, regulatory and technicaloperative initiatives, aimed at seismic risk prevention and an improved framework of knowledge regarding the dangers and vulnerabilities of the regional territory, are highly needed. This article illustrates the tools used for the mitigation of seismic risk associated with the analysis of the urban risk prevention planning limit conditions – construction, with the development of specific analyses and methodologies suitable for the support of seismic risk reduction interventions, aimed at the proper planning and territorial management of the interventions needed to prevent and contain possible damages.
Keywords: seismic risk management, emergency planning, seismic micro-zonation
Cite this article: Vincenzo Alfonso Cosimo. SEISMIC RISK MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PREVENTION IN URBAN PLANNING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 414-424 (2017).
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