Ibragim Suleimenov, Zdenka Sedlakova, Grigoriy Mun, Sergey Panchenko, Sherniyaz Kabdushev, Anuar Nurtazin
Pages: 121-128
Published: 29 Jul 2017
Views: 1,571
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Abstract: A new display screens based on phase transitions in thermosensitive polymers` solutions were created. The system is designed to be placed on the buildings’ frontage and allows switching “Window”/“Screen”. Mode "Window" is set in the daytime. In this mode the solution is transparent. The night set - “Screen”; in this mode, the solution is heated slightly above critical temperature, and acquires the ability to scatter the light. To playback video RGB-LED strips are utilised, staffed with trigger storage elements. Scattering of the light emitted by the LEDs, provides even illumination of the corresponding pixel, which is perceived as lightened.
Keywords: innovation environment, thermosensitive polymers` solutions, commercialization of screen technology, large screen video playback, urban development
Cite this article: Ibragim Suleimenov, Zdenka Sedlakova, Grigoriy Mun, Sergey Panchenko, Sherniyaz Kabdushev, Anuar Nurtazin. DISPLAY SCREENS BASED ON THE PHASE TRANSITIONS IN THE THERMOSENSITIVE POLYMERS’ SOLUTIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 121-128 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001459/
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