Diana Rabadjieva, Nikolay Marinkov, Yoanna Kostova, Daniela Kovacheva, Stoyko Gyurov, Christina Tzvetkova, Galia Gentscheva, Ivan Penkov
Pages: 178-187
Published: 29 Jul 2017
Views: 1,786
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Abstract: Oxidation of waste slag from copper production was studied in oxygen-nitrogen gaseous mixtures (21, 43, 63 and 100 vol.% of O2) under non-isothermal conditions using DTA-TG analysis at constant gas flow rate of 30 ml min-1 and varying heating rate. The results revealed that the mechanism of slag oxidation does not change with changing the oxygen content but intensification of the process occurs. Kinetic analysis was performed and a decrease in the values of the activation energy was observed with increasing of the oxygen partial pressure.
Keywords: copper slag oxidation, thermal analysis, dta-tg, kinetic analysis, activation energy
Cite this article: Diana Rabadjieva, Nikolay Marinkov, Yoanna Kostova, Daniela Kovacheva, Stoyko Gyurov, Christina Tzvetkova, Galia Gentscheva, Ivan Penkov. EFFECT OF OXYGEN CONTENT ON THE NON-ISOTHERMAL OXIDATION OF WASTE SLAG FROM COPPER PRODUCTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 178-187 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001464/
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