Malina Vatskicheva, Irena Grigorova
Pages: 238-253
Published: 29 Jul 2017
Views: 2,688
Downloads: 735
Abstract: This work presents two-shaft shredder for concrete, rubber, plastic and wood crushing. The existing machine structures have been described, and classification has been made. Analysis of their advantages and drawbacks was performed. Conclusions about the selection criteria for the machines, as the main equipment for technogenic and construction waste recycling, have been made. The paper also presents calculation results and verification of the shredding shafts and chamber of a two-shaft shredder. Modeling analysis of the shredding shafts and chamber has been performed. The studies of the mechanical load and behavior of the shredding shafts and chamber have been conducted. For this purpose, there has been generated a three-dimensional geometrical model of the shafts and chambers, which digitized a planned network of finite elements in the programming environment of ANSYS MECHANICAL APDL.
Keywords: two-shaft shredder, crushing, modeling analysis
Cite this article: Malina Vatskicheva, Irena Grigorova. STUDY OF TWO-SHAFT SHREDDER FOR CRUSHING OF CONCRETE, RUBBER, PLASTIC AND WOOD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 238-253 (2017).
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