Kristina Makarevich, Victor Minenko, Semen Kuten
Pages: 370-377
Published: 29 Jul 2017
Views: 1,719
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Abstract: This paper presents the model of a static diagnostic X-ray set. The model takes into account such parameters as a high anode voltage, total beam filtration, anode voltage pulsations, field dimensions and the type of a diagnostic investigation. X-ray spectra of a tube were generated using the “TASMIP”. The ICRP voxel phantoms were adapted for modeling one of the most frequent diagnostic procedures of a chest in order to obtain the profiles of absorbed dose distributions from the developed X-ray source model.
Keywords: x-ray radiation, x-ray tube, voxel phantom, monte-carlo modeling, dosimetry
Cite this article: Kristina Makarevich, Victor Minenko, Semen Kuten. X-RAY SOURCE MODEL FOR MODERN DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY SETS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 370-377 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001482/
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