Özlem Aydin, Tuğba Çaliş
Pages: 453-464
Published: 29 Jul 2017
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Abstract: In this paper we concentrate on recognition of named entities in Turkish text using Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) algorithm. One of the main tasks of Information Extraction (IE) is the Named Entity Recognition (NER) which aims to locate and classify the named entities (i.e. person, location, organization names, date-time expressions) in text. ILP is a research area at the intersection of machine learning and logic programming. It uses techniques from both machine learning and logic programming. We have adopted a machine learning paradigm, namely ILP, to approach the task of NER in Turkish. This paper presents the performance results of ILP experiments we have conducted on Turkish data and a comparative evaluation of these results.
Keywords: named entity recognition, inductive logic programming
Cite this article: Özlem Aydin, Tuğba Çaliş. NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION IN TURKISH VIA INDUCTIVE LOGIC PROGRAMMING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 453-464 (2017).
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