Deniz Taşkın, Cem Taşkın, Işıl Çetintav
Pages: 465-473
Published: 29 Jul 2017
Views: 1,725
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Abstract: Bluetooth low energy technology provides continuous connection for WPAN range radio devices while consuming less power and this makes this technology ideal for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In this study a sensor node using BLE technology has been designed. This module has differences from similar applications because of “Single chip” configuration. Thus, there is no need another mcu (micro controller unit) to run sensor application. Furthermore, this approach has advantages for reducing energy consumption in energy critical processes.
Keywords: ble, internet of things, single device configuration, sensor node
Cite this article: Deniz Taşkın, Cem Taşkın, Işıl Çetintav. BLE SINGLE DEVICE CONFIGURATION USAGE: AN INTERNET OF THINGS SENSOR NODE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 11, 465-473 (2017).
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