Hasan Sungur Civelek, Okay Demiral, Eyyüp Mennan Yıldırım
Pages: 571-578
Published: 21 Aug 2017
Views: 1,691
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Abstract: This research aims to detect the effects of an attractant with the active ingredient of methyl-isonicotinate (Lurem TR) produced by Koppert (Biological Systems, Antalya, TR) against the F. occidentalis adults. The attractant and blue sticky traps were integrated in order to observe and monitor the questioned effects in Aksu and Kumluca districts of Antalya province between April and August, 2014. In the study, two characters, attractant and certificated control pheromone (P-Anisaldehit, Ferothrip, Akdeniz Flora Company, Antalya, TR) preferred as positive control were used and compared. The obtained results demonstrated that the combination of the preparate and blue trap with the active ingredient of methyl-isonicotinate, shows promising effects against F. occidentalis.
Keywords: frankliniella occidentalis, methyl-isonicotine, sticky trap, pepper
Cite this article: Hasan Sungur Civelek, Okay Demiral, Eyyüp Mennan Yıldırım. EFFECTS OF METHYL-ISONICOTINE WITH BLUE STICKY TRAP ON FRANKLINIELLA OCCIDENTALIS PERGANDE (THYSANOPTERA: THRIPIDAE) ON PEPPER GREENHOUSE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 571-578 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001501/
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