Roger Seiler, Gunther Kucza
Pages: 1-15
Published: 22 Aug 2017
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Abstract: Customers find themselves in a flood of information and testimonials are one way of gaining the customer’s attention. Previous studies have shown the positive effects of testimonials on purchase intentions. In this present study, different types of testimonials (celebrity and expert) are tested, and the fit between the product (ring, motorcycle and in/out-trays) congruency of the testimonial with the customer’s image is introduced and analysed. Furthermore, not only is source credibility measured, but source attractiveness and expertise are also measured and combined in a new model integrating these three theories. The model shows direct and indirect effects of credibility and congruency on attitudes and purchase intentions. Product fit, in contrast to congruency, has a positive effect on attitude towards the ad and in turn influences attitude towards the brand, affecting purchase intention. Credible testimonials strongly influence this effectiveness, with trustworthiness being a main driver.
Keywords: match-up-hypothesis, testimonials, credibility
Cite this article: Roger Seiler, Gunther Kucza. SOURCE CREDIBILITY MODEL, SOURCE ATTRACTIVENESS MODEL AND MATCH-UP-HYPOTHESIS – AN INTEGRATED MODEL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 1-15 (2017).
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