Fran Galetić, Martina Kurtušić
Pages: 77-86
Published: 22 Aug 2017
Views: 1,817
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Abstract: After the period of monopoly in the mobile telephony market, the entry of new companies, leads to the oligopolistic market. This paper analyzes the transition from monopoly to oligopoly in the Croatian mobile telephony market with particular emphasis on indicators of business success, which shows how successful management of leading companies in this market was. The article is based on the performance of management in three major operators in the oligopolistic mobile telephony market of Croatia. On the basis of performance indicators, using regression analysis based on the eight-year data, we predict the movements of these indicators in the next three years.
Keywords: mobile telephony, monopoly, oligopoly, republic of croatia
Cite this article: Fran Galetić, Martina Kurtušić. OLIGOPOLISTIC MARKET OF MOBILE TELEPHONY IN CROATIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 77-86 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001508/
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