Justyna Dyduch
Pages: 330-344 Published: 22 Aug 2017
Views: 1,598 Downloads: 348
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to examine financial and nonfinancial environmental information sources provided by Polish companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and to assess the level of their environmental reporting practices. The sample comprises 40 nonfinancial companies included in two stock indices: the WIG30 Index and mWIG40 index. The content analysis is used as a research method. The analysis has revealed that 87.5% companies disclosed any environmental information. Financial information concerning the environmental protection was presented by 75% companies and nonfinancial environmental information – by 85% companies. The entities provided environmental disclosure mainly in their annual reports (73% companies) and on the environmental or CSR tabs on their websites (63% companies). The average level of this disclosure on the company websites was very low. CSR reports and integrated reports were much less popular source of environmental information as compared to annual reports and company official websites. In these two kinds of reports the extent and quality of environmental disclosure compared with annual reports was a little lower in case of financial information and significantly higher in case of nonfinancial information.
Cite this article: Justyna Dyduch. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING PRACTICES OF POLISH COMPANIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 330-344 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001531/
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