Anna Brdulak
Pages: 408-415
Published: 22 Aug 2017
Views: 1,757
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Abstract: Both worldwide and in Poland, more and more startups are being formed to offer solutions introducing breakthrough innovations both in terms of the way cities operate and in terms of implementation of the Smart Cities concept. Owing to the innovative nature of the enterprises, startups contribute to growing entrepreneurship in local communities. Their existence also impacts the way urban policy is pursued. More and more often, urban policy features programmes and support tools for these undertakings. The paper aims to present current results of the author’s research into the impact of startups on the development of selected aspects of a smart city.
Keywords: smart city, sustainable development, quality of life, social capital
Cite this article: Anna Brdulak. WHY STARTUPS HELP GO CITY SMART. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 408-415 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001538/
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