Danijela Kardaš, Bojan Knežević, Petar Gvero, Robin Støckert, Vojislav Novaković
Pages: 264-270
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,820
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Abstract: Using modern technology, communication and collaboration are available and possible more than ever. Universities have a responsibility to offer and adapt education system to this new labor market demand. We need to prepare the student for the workplace of the future, where digital technology enables people and processes to connect and interact regardless of physical location, distance and time. Collaboration and communication are done on several types of devices and we have a mixture of social networks, work networks and learning environments. In this paper, we define the multifunctional rooms (MFR) as nodes in these networks, with a special focus on the learning space. Establishment of MFR came as a transfer of the knowledge, experience and technology from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka through the project HERD QIMSEE. This paper analyzes the physical surroundings, possibilities for use but also the pedagogy and learning methods to be utilized in this learning space.
Keywords: interdisciplinary, education, learning space, new technologies
Cite this article: Danijela Kardaš, Bojan Knežević, Petar Gvero, Robin Støckert, Vojislav Novaković. E-LEARNING: DELIVERING KNOWLEDGE IN DIGITAL AGE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 264-270 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001582/
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