Danijela Kardaš, Goran Janjić, Petar Gvero, Vojislav Novaković, Martha Marie Kalvig Anderson, Tamara Pribišev Beleslin
Pages: 271-278
Published: 31 Aug 2017
Views: 1,702
Downloads: 291
Abstract: According to the "NMC Horizon Report", higher education continues to move away from traditional lecture-based programs to more hands-on scenarios, where University classrooms will start to resemble real-world work and social environments that facilitate organic interactions and cross-disciplinary problem-solving. Modern labor market and modern society need people who are capable to work together solving multidisciplinary problems with or without technology. Teamwork has become a central issue for many corporations, and self- managing teams are often viewed as the goal of teamwork development programs. This paper analyses introduction of a course "Team Project" at University in Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The introduction of this course came as a transfer of the knowledge, experience and technology from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering within the project HERD QIMSEE (HERD Quality Improvement of Master Programs in Sustainable Energy and Environment).
Keywords: teamwork, experts, skills, interdisciplinary, education
Cite this article: Danijela Kardaš, Goran Janjić, Petar Gvero, Vojislav Novaković, Martha Marie Kalvig Anderson, Tamara Pribišev Beleslin. TEAMWORK AS EXPERIENCE BASED LEARNING AT UNIVERSITY OF BANJA LUKA: A LONG AND WINDING ROAD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 271-278 (2017).
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