Tatjana Tokareva, Aija Eglite, Dace Kaufmane
Pages: 458-465
Published: 20 Sep 2017
Views: 1,707
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Abstract: According to information provided by the FAO, all around the world about one-third (approximately 1.3 G tons per year) of food that was meant to be consumed by humans gets lost or wasted. At the same time 925 M people are starving every day. Mankind is searching for the opportunity to feed itself, that's why the food wasting prevention question becomes more and more topical, because it becomes obvious to the wider audience, that food wasting prevention and sustainable use of the resources would help to feed those, that already suffer from hunger.
Keywords: export, import, food supply, environment
Cite this article: Tatjana Tokareva, Aija Eglite, Dace Kaufmane. SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND USE OF RESOURCES VERSUS FOOD WASTING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 458-465 (2017).
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