Yuan Yuan Liu
Pages: 520-525
Published: 8 Dec 2017
Views: 1,618
Downloads: 218
Abstract: Sustainable tourism development has been adequately studied by researchers while sustainable tourism destinations are still a blur picture in practice. As destination image is a core element in effective destination marketing, conveying the image of sustainable tourism destinations becomes important for marketing practice. This study aims at exploring the main ideas and concepts for sustainable tourism destinations thus providing a framework to present the dimensions, focus, attributes, and potential images of sustainable tourism destinations. The framework will create a tool to examine well-developed destination images so as to promote effective destination marketing for sustainable tourism destinations.
Keywords: destination marketing, destination image, sustainable tourism destinations, pull factors
Cite this article: Yuan Yuan Liu. DESTINATION IMAGES FOR MARKETING SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DESTINATIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 520-525 (2017).
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