Pavel Timár, Katarína Furdíková, Vladimír Báleš
Pages: 7-14
Published: 19 Jul 2018
Views: 1,686
Downloads: 329
Abstract: One selected autochthonous and one commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were used as starters for fermentation process. Two fermentative medium were used: real grape must variety Gewürztraminer and medium. The ammonium and amino acid composition of synthetic medium was similar to must. The only sugar in the synthetic medium was glucose, which was present at the same concentration of 225 g/l as total reduced sugars in real must. At the same testing conditions, each strain of S. cerevisiae produced individual metabolites in different concentrations and combinations which significantly influenced resulting wine flavor. This paper deals with experimental comparison of selected aromatic compounds (alcohols and esters) that directly affect the secondary aroma of produced wines. We looking for the tool to produce an original and attractive product in form of suitable autochthonous strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Keywords: aroma compounds, wine aroma profile, yeast strain, alcoholic fermentation
Cite this article: Pavel Timár, Katarína Furdíková, Vladimír Báleš. CONCENTRATIONS PROFILES OF AROMA COMPOUNDS DURING WINEMAKING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 6, 7-14 (2018).
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