Thu Thi Trinh, Hung Duc Bui
Pages: 170-180
Published: 19 Jul 2018
Views: 1,463
Downloads: 206
Abstract: Rice plays a crucial role in Viet Nam’s food security and overall political, economic, and social stability as rice accounts for more than 90% of total cereal production. Despite rapid progress in rice productivity and rice exports, main concerns remain in the country such as persisting poverty, climatic changes, land use conversion and rice yield stability. This study uses econometric models to estimate the factors affecting rice productivity in the Central Vietnam. Findings indicated farmland quality, farmers’ participation in the rice production, the application of new “3 Decrease- 3 Increase” approach, pest conditions and production costs are major factors to rice yield while agricultural extension services were not effectively accessed. Striking insights from the results emphasized the significance of farm size, land consolidation and farmers’ participation in the large paddy field. Policy implications that contribute to increase in rice productivity, agricultural development and new rural development were also highlighted.
Keywords: rice yield, farmer participation, farm size, new rural development, viet nam
Cite this article: Thu Thi Trinh, Hung Duc Bui. RICE PRODUCTIVITY IN SOUTH CENTRAL COASTAL VIETNAM: DETERMINANTS AND ROLE OF FARMER PARTICIPATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 6, 170-180 (2018). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001628/
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