Barbara Čeh
Pages: 219-226
Published: 19 Jul 2018
Views: 1,401
Downloads: 308
Abstract: Despite the long history of using hemp for fibres, seeds and oil, it was later replaced by other crops. After 2004, hemp reappeared on Slovene fields, but the growers are faced with a series of agrotechnical dilemmas in hemp production and processing. In order to solve some of them in conditions that prevail in Slovenia (small fields, transitional position between the Adriatic Sea, the Alps and the Pannonian Basin), we set up a field experiment within the targeted research project. In the paper, the first results from year 2017 are presented as well as area, sown with hemp and varieties that are grown in Slovenia.
Keywords: hemp, area sown, varieties, cannabis sativa l., fertilization, nitrogen, sowing rate, sowing time
Cite this article: Barbara Čeh. HEMP IN SLOVENIA – THE AREA, VARIETIES AND ITS RESPONSE TO SOME AGROTECHNICAL ARRANGEMENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 6, 219-226 (2018). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001633/
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