Ana Korubin-Aleksoska, Milan Mitreski, Jane Aleksoski
Pages: 248-255
Published: 19 Jul 2018
Views: 1,478
Downloads: 198
Abstract: Two oriental tobacco varieties and eight newly created lines were investigated for some major morphological and agronomic traits: height of the plant with inflorescence, leaf number per plant, length of the middle belt leaves and dry mass yield per plant. The trial was set up in the Experimental field of Scientific Tobacco Institute – Prilep in 2016 and 2017, in randomized block design with four replications, using traditional agricultural practices. Measurements of the first three traits were made in the stage of the beginning of flowering, while the dry mass yield was recorded during the treatment of cured tobacco. The results were statistically processed. The aim of the research is to investigate the morphological traits and yield of Oriental genotypes, to determine the stability of the genotypes through their variability and to stand out the best among the selected material. From the kit of genotypes we selected three superior lines with a high degree of homogeneity (one of the type Prilep and two of the type Yaka). The coefficient of variation of quantitative traits in these lines was lower than 10%, which is a sign of their stability. After their acceptance by the Commission for recognition and approval of varieties within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy of Republic of Macedonia, these genotypes will be released into circulation.
Keywords: tobacco, oriental genotypes, morphological traits, agronomy trait, variability
Cite this article: Ana Korubin-Aleksoska, Milan Mitreski, Jane Aleksoski. INVESTIGATIONS OF SAME MORPHOLOGICAL AND AGRONOMY TRAITS IN ORIENTAL TOBACCO GENOTYPES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 6, 248-255 (2018).
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