Šilerová E., Michálek R., Kánská E., Šimek P.
Pages: 264-270
Published: 19 Jul 2018
Views: 1,509
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Abstract: The main task of applications supporting the managing is to analyze current data and on the basis of their analysis from different views to provide the managers with the possibility to identify also non-standard situations in the firm. The process of getting data, information and knowledge from the vast files is not only a technological problem but particularly a managerial one. That is why set technologies are used as the tools for meeting information needs. From the managerial point of view the aim of the process is to get as much relevant information for solving given matter of fact problem as possible.
Keywords: information system, data, information, competitive advantage, management information
Cite this article: Šilerová E., Michálek R., Kánská E., Šimek P.. IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ON BUSINESS COMPETITIVENESS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 6, 264-270 (2018).
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