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Agriculture & Food 2025, 13th International Conference
11-14 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Agriculture & Food, Volume 6, 2018

Makovníková Jarmila, Pálka Boris, Orságová Katarína, Širáň Miloš, Kanianska Radoslava, Kizeková Miriam
Pages: 297-305
Published: 19 Jul 2018
Views: 1,544
Downloads: 186
Abstract: Service-providing ecosystems are denoted as natural capital. On the basis of this, it could be perceived the linkage between economy and ecological dimensions. Concept of agroecosystem service combines environmental and socio-economic approach to the analysis and evaluation of natural capital. Multi-criteria approach to spatial quantification of ecosystem services related to socio-economic indicators which are districts as statistics territorial units, allows explicitly assess potential of ecosystems of agricultural land to provide agroecosystem services and adapt the land management under the local conditions. Applying the mapping of agroecosystem services potential appropriately can help to show the possibilities of regional sustainable land use management as well as trade-offs between diferent ecosystem services. For analysis and evaluation of potential of agroecosystem services in Slovakia, we have created a mapping unit combining four input layers: slope topography, climate units, soil texture and usage of land. Agroecosystems of arable land are predominantly of very low (50.7 %) to low potential (15.7%) of natural conditions for recreation. In Slovakia 53.82% of the area of used permanent grasslands has high and very high potential of natural conditions for outdoor recreation. Potential of natural conditions for recreation is higher only in some districts with a higher proportion of area of grassland agroecosystems and protected areas NATURA 2000. Prešov region has a higher potential of natural conditions for recreation comparing with the districts of western and southern Slovakia.
Keywords: ecosystem services, model of cultural services, hiking, cycling, cross-country skiing
Cite this article: Makovníková Jarmila, Pálka Boris, Orságová Katarína, Širáň Miloš, Kanianska Radoslava, Kizeková Miriam. POTENTIAL OF CULTURAL AGROECOSYSTEM SERVICES. THE CASE OF SLOVAKIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 6, 297-305 (2018).
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