Natalia G. Plekhova, Irina N. Lyapun, Elena I. Drobot, Viktor V. Laptev, Sergei V. Gnedenkov, Sergei L. Sinebruhov, Artem V. Puz.
Pages: 72-84
Published: 6 Sep 2018
Views: 1,490
Downloads: 198
Abstract: This article reports the bioactive resorptive coatings, formed on magnesium alloy substrates, using the method of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), and their cytocompatibility with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Were obtained the protective coatings containing hydroxyapatite with a ratio Ca/P = 1.6 close to the bone tissue index (1.67) on the magnesium alloy MA8 in the electrolyte solution containing calcium glycerophosphate and sodium fluoride in the bipolar regime of PEO. These coatings have a developed porous surface and significantly reduce the rate of corrosion of the magnesium alloy, which makes it possible to consider them as perspective for bioresorbable medical implants. Such bioactive coatings that modify the surface of magnesium provide a porous surface that promotes the strong attachment of MSCs.
Keywords: magnesium alloys, bioactive resorptive coatings, biodegradation, mesenchymal stem cell, osteogenesis
Cite this article: Natalia G. Plekhova, Irina N. Lyapun, Elena I. Drobot, Viktor V. Laptev, Sergei V. Gnedenkov, Sergei L. Sinebruhov, Artem V. Puz.. INFLUENCE OF BIOCOMPATIBLE COATINGS ON MAGNESIUM ON THE FUNCTIONAL STATE OF MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 12, 72-84 (2018).
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