Natalia G. Plekhova, Sergey V. Koltsov, Lyudmila I. Radkova, Ivan V. Radkov
Pages: 85-99
Published: 6 Sep 2018
Views: 2,083
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Abstract: The action of a device for correcting a functional state consisting of two elements with active layers of ferromagnets, constructed on the chirality principle has been studied on living systems. It was found that, the electromagnetic field, generated by the device, did not have a cytotoxic effect on eukaryotic cells and increased the killer potential of innate immunity cells against Candida albicans. Morphological analysis of tissue structure of animals target organs infected with C. albicans showed, that when receiving water charged with the device under test, less pronounced signs of toxic inflammation are observed, than in animals that did not take this water.
Keywords: electromagnetic field, chirality, superweak effect, stereoisometry, infection, immunity
Cite this article: Natalia G. Plekhova, Sergey V. Koltsov, Lyudmila I. Radkova, Ivan V. Radkov. CORRECTIONAL EFFECT OF THE EXTERNAL ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD ON BIOLOGICAL OBJECTS: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 12, 85-99 (2018).
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