Margarita S. Rubina, Alexander V. Naumkin, Alexander Yu. Vasil'kov
Pages: 100-109
Published: 6 Sep 2018
Views: 1,358
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Abstract: In this work a novel route to obtain chitosan-based films with silver nanoparticles is presented. Silver nanoparticles were synthesized via sustainable metal-vapor synthesis and then deposited on chitosan powder. Films were prepared with a casting method from polymer solution containing silver nanoparticles in acetic acid. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to evaluate a chemical composition, relative concentration of functional groups and charge state of metal atoms on the surface of materials. Structure and possible stabilization mechanisms of metal nanoparticles in polymer matrix were studied using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in the attenuated total reflectance mode. The prepared films have potential to be used as dressing materials in regenerative medicine for treatment of wounds and burns.
Keywords: chitosan, silver nanoparticles, metal vapor synthesis, xps, atr-ftir, chitosan films
Cite this article: Margarita S. Rubina, Alexander V. Naumkin, Alexander Yu. Vasil'kov. CHITOSAN-BASED FILMS WITH SILVER NANOPARTICLES PREPARED USING METAL VAPOR SYNTHESIS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 12, 100-109 (2018).
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