Maia Seturi
Pages: 278-283
Published: 12 Sep 2018
Views: 1,385
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Abstract: Customer satisfaction by organizations and enterprises existing in the tourism industry is available more effectively based on the use of marketing. People recreation helps them to be more productive in their activities and life. To achieve this good goal travel and tourism play a great role. Tourism and travel help people to spend their time on individual relaxation and recovery and includes many recreational activities. Georgia was widely known in terms of tourism in the past. During the existence of the Soviet Union many tourists arrived in Georgia. Currently Tourism is one of the priority directions of the development of the national economy of Georgia. Increasing interest of organizations and enterprises in this field is increasingly focused on the use of marketing principles. Which makes their activities more targeted. Marketing helps to understand the wishes of tourists, provide them with relevant products and ensure stimulating demand.
Keywords: marketing, tourism industry, travel, service, customer, tourist satisfaction
Cite this article: Maia Seturi. SOME CONSIDERATIONS OF MARKETING PERSPECTIVES IN TOURISM (GEORGIAN CASE). Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 12, 278-283 (2018).
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