Nhan Ngoc Pham, Liem Tran Thanh Le, Trang Kieu Pham
Pages: 325-330
Published: 13 Sep 2018
Views: 2,271
Downloads: 216
Abstract: Research on factors affecting the conversion of crop composition on rice-land was carried out from April to September 2017 to study the outcomes of the conversion of crop composition on rice-land as well as to identify the reasons why farmers decided to change their crop composition. Data were collected from May 2017 by conducting questionnaire interviews with 180 farming households. Results show that households who grow 2 rice crops and 1 other crop can earn more profits as compared to those who grow 3 rice crops a year. Profit margin (net income/revenue) earned by farming households who grow 2 rice crops and 1 other crop is 0.49 and this is higher than that (0.41) earned by farming households who grow 3 rice crops a year. Households growing leaf vegetable can earn higher profits as compared to that earned by households who grow other crops on rice land. Testing the difference of costs, profits and profit margin between the two compositions show that there's a difference with α=5%. Factors affecting the outcomes of crop composition conversion include: financial resources, effects from FFS training course, support from the Government and Local authorities, irrigation system (canals) and water quality. Among these factors, financial resources variable has the biggest impact on the outcome of crop composition conversion.
Keywords: conversion, production, outcome, 3 rice crops, 2 rice crops - 1 other crop
Cite this article: Nhan Ngoc Pham, Liem Tran Thanh Le, Trang Kieu Pham. RESEARCH ON FACTORS AFFECTING THE CONVERSION OF CROP COMPOSITION ON RICE-LAND IN HAU GIANG PROVINCE – VIET NAM. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 6, 325-330 (2018).
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