Kira Andreeva
Pages: 116-122
Published: 25 Sep 2018
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Abstract: This article was aimed at the study of structural-semantic variations and changes of text-construal of tales of “One Thousand and One Nights”. The architecture of those, originally mediaeval, texts demonstrated unusual for that time but instantly revealed contradictory features at the borderline of the usage of more traditional narrative stability and irregularities of all sorts. This, hardly expected, by the scholar research gap called for the discovery of new, more efficient methodology able to reflect, more objectively, on this controversy. The paradox lay in the absence of the proper adequate methodology for revealing this specificity. The actual problem was that some of the technologies used by the authors of mediaeval tales of that time were based on the expressing of notions technically discovered only by contemporary modern literary science determined only at present as fractals, frames, embeddings. Thus, the keys to reopen Scheherazada’s secrets of specific text-construal of “Arabian Nights” were to be discovered at the crossroads of different, relatively new, closely correlated scientific disciplines: discourse and textual linguistics, cognitive poetics, synergetics. The unity of different methods applied by the latter resulted in the discovery of new multi-disciplinary methodology. Selective empirical analysis undertaken in this article based on the new methodological background brought successful positive results in more explicit description of different violations and changes of the architecture applied for different levels of structural-semantic text-construal.
Keywords: text-construal, stability, narrative prototype, innovations, multi-disciplinary methodology, macro- and mega-structures
Cite this article: Kira Andreeva. STABILITY AND INNOVATIONS OF TEXT-CONSTRUAL OF “ARABIAN NIGHTS”. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 12, 116-122 (2018).
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