Kralova Eva
Pages: 90-97
Published: 29 Sep 2018
Views: 1,423
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Abstract: The contribution describes the main items of scientific project „Motivating factors of medical students for better understanding the fundamental science knowledge in relation to medical diagnostic and therapeutic methods.“ Project has the ambition to develop a functional model of feedback algorithm to streamline the learning process of science in medical schools, which will support the improvement of educational level and international competitiveness of graduates. The project is focused on the identification and subsequent application of motivating approaches in the natural sciences teaching and learning. The aim is to specify students´ attitudes and motivation towards sciences after 1st semester of medicine study. [Kralova 2015] Key challenge is to find incentive approaches, strategies and resources in teaching process and change negative attitudes of medical students to the science in a positive way. [Vasutova 2002] To realize the purpose of the project it is necessary to develop a joint effort of teachers providing science teaching in medical schools with the teachers of preclinical and clinical teaching subjects. Only by such cooperation can be specified necessary core of knowledge of the science needed for further study in medical schools, but also in medical practice. The fulfilment of this goal requires further training of university teachers of natural sciences in higher education pedagogy and psychology. Pedagogical investigation using anonymous questionnaire was used with the aim to specify respondents´ (1st year students of Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava) attitudes and motivation towards study medicine, teaching of natural sciences and their ideas how to increase motivation to their study after 1st semester of medicine study.
Keywords: university medical education, students´ motivation, attitudes, natural sciences
Cite this article: Kralova Eva. THE MOTIVATION POTENTIAL OF THE STUDENTS´ WRITTEN WORKS AND OTHER MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 16, 90-97 (2018).
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