Salameh Yousef Tanash, Khawla Husain Alaiwa
Pages: 168-177
Published: 29 Sep 2018
Views: 1,394
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Abstract: The study aims at identifying the concept of doctoral dissertation as perceived by faculty members at the college of educational sciences at the University of Jordan. To achieve this goal a questionnaire was developed consisted of six parts: The objectives of the doctoral dissertation; the expected role of discussing it; who choose its subjects: its characteristics; the obstacles to achieve it and finally; what are the criteria to judge its quality. The questionnaire’s reliability and validity have been tested. The population (84) professors and associate professors, (63) members have answered the questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the most important two objectives of the doctoral dissertation were to participate in enriching knowledge and to develop the students’ scientific skills. Moreover, the most important expected roles of the oral examination of the doctoral dissertation were: The scientific defense of the dissertation and its results, and examining the student’s scientific knowledge. Furthermore, the one who determines the subject of the doctoral dissertation is the student himself with the guidance of his supervisor. In addition, the most important characteristics of the doctoral dissertation were related to its organization and labeling; authenticity and the new addition of knowledge. The obstacles that affect the students’ achievement of their doctoral dissertation were: The complexities and their diversity in the field of scientific specialization, the weak clearness of research procedures, the weak financial support for research, and the low quality of students. The most important criteria applied by faculty members to judge the quality of doctoral dissertation were: The correctness of the research methodology, the clearness of the procedures, the analysis of results and the used statistics, the formulation of the dissertation’s problem, and the final results’ analysis.
Keywords: doctoral dissertation, college of education, obstacles and criteria for dissertations
Cite this article: Salameh Yousef Tanash, Khawla Husain Alaiwa. THE PERCEPTION OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION AMONG FACULTY MEMBERS AT THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF JORDAN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 16, 168-177 (2018).
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