Manju Gundumogula, Rojina Prusty
Pages: 244-253
Published: 29 Sep 2018
Views: 1,364
Downloads: 234
Abstract: In 2015 a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity were made. Obtaining a quality education is considered the foundation for improving people’s lives and a sustainable development. A sustainable mindset is described as a way of thinking and being, resulting from a broad understanding, an introspective focus and finds its expression in actions for the greater good of the whole. The classical approaches to build such a sustainable mindset through the introduction of related knowledge in the educational system at all different stages show little evidence to be successful in reaching that goal. Cognitive understanding is not sufficient. Emotional engagement and passionate commitment are also necessary factors for a change of behavior and values. The basis to master thyself and thy life is to know thyself - thy strengths and weaknesses. A traditional concept of knowing thyself and finding balance is meditation. Recently this ancient concept has risen to more and more popularity. To the researcher’s knowledge Sahaja Yoga Meditation is the only meditation practice that has shown machine measurable effects of a long-lasting kind, like the grow of grey matter cells in the brain, which shows a strong effect of the meditation which cannot be explained by psychological placebo effects. Recently behavioral change towards a sustainability decision making has been shown. Presently India is giving a lot of emphasis on Yoga and Meditation programs. Indian government has initiated different ministries for yoga and meditation to bring the awareness on the benefits of it and encouraging the research in this field. The aim of this paper is to review the existing literature on the meditation and its effects on different factors and how meditative practices can lead to sustainability.
Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable mindset, education, meditation
Cite this article: Manju Gundumogula, Rojina Prusty. DEVELOPING SUSTAINABILITY MINDSETS – EFFECTS OF MEDITATIVE PRACTICES ON SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 16, 244-253 (2018).
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