Pavlinka Dobrilova, Galya Yankova, Ralitsa Zlatanova-Velikova
Pages: 287-293
Published: 29 Sep 2018
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Abstract: The introducing of information and commutation technologies in the education puts the training of health care in new intellectual challenge. In the current conditions, health care became an area of global education where the education interacts with a scientific research in this field. The healthcare professionals must have new knowledge, skills and competences which allow them to communicate effectively, to analyze the global processes, to reflect their role globally, to take initiatives for improving the healthcare service by using the information and communication technologies. The article explores the needs of introducing information and communication technics in the healthcare training for improving the quality and the relevance of the teaching process in "Prof. Dr. Iv. Mitev", Vratsa, Medical University - Sofia.
Keywords: information and communication technology, training, healthcare
Cite this article: Pavlinka Dobrilova, Galya Yankova, Ralitsa Zlatanova-Velikova. THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES - CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGE FOR THE EDUCATION IN HEALTH CARE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 16, 287-293 (2018).
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