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Education, Research & Development 2024, 15th International Conference
21-24 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 16, 2018

Peter Kolarovszki, Zuzana Kolarovszka, Juraj Fabuš
Pages: 329-335
Published: 29 Sep 2018
Views: 1,219
Downloads: 172
Abstract: In today's digital world, it is becoming increasingly problematic to engage young people. This is of course also true for students at primary and secondary schools and universities as well. The article deals with interactive learning in various areas through multimedia applications and animations. It describes the creation of the given applications as well as their usage in real practice in the teaching of students. The first part deals with the issue of logistics and the postal sector, the second with technology of automatic identification and data collection. Both areas are part of the teaching courses at the University of Žilina, namely at the Department of Communications. Today, PowerPoint slides are not enough, the student should be interested in providing an alternative that will not increase the lecturer's expertise. Teacher remains as a carrier element in education, but effectively using modern technologies and practices.
Keywords: multimedia, application, education, animation
Cite this article: Peter Kolarovszki, Zuzana Kolarovszka, Juraj Fabuš. INTERACTIVITY IN EDUCATION IN THE DIGITAL WORLD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 16, 329-335 (2018).
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