Abbas Al-Refaie, Murad Al-Tarawneh, Nour Bata
Pages: 393-411
Published: 7 Oct 2018
Views: 1,502
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Abstract: This study examined the relationships between switching cost (SC), customer satisfaction (CS), trust, communication, value added services (VASs), customer expectations (CEs), customer complaint management systems, brand image, and price perception (PP) with their effects on customer churn (CC) in the Jordanian telecom industry. A structural model was first proposed for mapping the relationships between the model factors. A total of 700 questionnaires were distributed in person and online. The model was then tested regarding all of the survey data from respondents who lived in the Amman area and those who were customers of the Orange mobile service provider (MSP). The results showed that SC and VASs contributed insignificantly to CC. Moreover, CS was the key factor in reducing the churn rate. Finally, satisfying CEs significantly affected CS. In conclusion, to decrease CC,MSPs must enhance their overall service quality, establish a good and trustworthy reputation, create an efficient billing system, offer new VASs at competitive prices, address customer complaints promptly, and conduct professional training courses for frontline employees. The results of this study provide valuable feedback for MSP decision makers regarding approaches to improving their performance and reducing CC.
Keywords: customer churn, structural equation modelling, telecom industry, switching cost, value added services
Cite this article: Abbas Al-Refaie, Murad Al-Tarawneh, Nour Bata. STUDY OF CUSTOMER CHURN IN THE TELECOM INDUSTRY USING STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELLING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 12, 393-411 (2018).
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