Aurelija Jankauskaitė, Baiba Vērpe, Petras Grecevičius
Pages: 45-57
Published: 1 Aug 2019
Views: 1,060
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Abstract: Based on the meaning of two separate terms, the recreational landscape is defined as the territorial combination of the natural and anthropogenic components of the earth’s surface connected with material, energy, and information, resulting in the recovery of physical and spiritual forces. In the article there are analysing the changes in the recreational landscape of the seaside resorts of the South-East Baltic Sea after 1990 and the recreational potential. After 1990, when Lithuania and Latvia restored independence and Russia’s Kaliningrad Oblast left isolated, the formation of resorts has lost consistency and became fragmented compared to methodological work carried out during the Soviet period. The systematic formation of seaside resorts was hampered by unjustified privatization of state property. The land is usually been returned to former owners without taking into account the long-term planning processes, and therefore the quality of the landscape is affected. In the context of the development conditions and tendencies of seaside resorts, the theoretical and practical issues of planning and development become relevant. What criteria can be used to form a recreational landscape for seaside resorts?
Keywords: recreational landscape, seaside resorts, south-eastern baltic region, beach resort model, cultural landscape
Cite this article: Aurelija Jankauskaitė, Baiba Vērpe, Petras Grecevičius. EVALUATION OF THE RECREATIONAL LANDSCAPE POTENTIAL OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN BALTIC SEA SEASIDE RESORTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 13, 45-57 (2019). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001858/
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