Elena Viktorova, Daria Petrenko
Pages: 136-146
Published: 2 Aug 2019
Views: 1,211
Downloads: 133
Abstract: The article is dedicated to volunteer environmental movements in Russia and governmental policy that are aimed at achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Russia belongs to the group of countries with low participation in civil society, but currently, the numbers of volunteers tends to rise. It could be influenced by governmental policy, which promotes volunteering. It is important to emphasize that the most popular type of volunteering in Russia is land improvement including participation in events, such as seedling cages or garbage collection, activities in protected areas, assistance in the performance of state functions (extinguishing forest fires as well as the work of public forest inspectors who appeared in 2018). 2017 was declared as the year of ecology and 2018 – as the year of volunteerism. Therefore, many activities were organized during these years. The tendencies of environmental volunteering and NGO activities in Russia are analyzed in the article with the focus on governmental support and regulations.
Keywords: sustainable development, sdgs, civil society, csos, voluntarism, ecology, environmental movements
Cite this article: Elena Viktorova, Daria Petrenko. CIVIL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SDGS: THE EXPERIENCE OF RUSSIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 13, 136-146 (2019).
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