Gabriella Hancz
Pages: 147-154
Published: 16 Sep 2019
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce the benefits of rainwater harvesting in general, considering growing water demands and to emphasize these benefits focusing on industrial areas in developed urban regions. We carry the study out by virtue of several operating projects worldwide that reuse rainwater in different activities. The actuality of this study is verified by the fact that although consumption of fresh water and economy is growing, the practice of rainwater reuse along with its benefits is still unexploited. As far as industry is concerned, rainwater may be reused directly either as process water or social water usages. Process water usually needs the softening of the community tap water even though rainwater harvesting could bring productive use of soft rain. Utilization of rainwater as an alternative water resource improve water efficiency by indirectly managing water demand through reducing dependency on treated tap water produced from traditional water resources along with enhancing the closure of the water cycle through aquifer recharge measures.
Keywords: aquifer recharge, benefits of rainwater harvesting, indirect reuse, direct reuse, green infrastructure, industrial water management
Cite this article: Gabriella Hancz. BENEFITS OF RAINWATER HARVESTING IN URBAN INDUSTRIAL AREAS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 13, 147-154 (2019).
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