Adelino Ferreira, Francisco Duarte
Pages: 163-171
Published: 18 Sep 2019
Views: 929
Downloads: 85
Abstract: This paper presents the PAVENERGY research project that has been developed in the University of Coimbra, in Portugal from June 1, 2016 and it ends in November 30, 2019. The work packages (WP) of this research project are: WP 1 - Evaluation of the state-of-the-art in terms of pavement energy harvest solutions; WP 2 - Development of a software tool for simulating the interaction between vehicles and energy harvest systems; WP 3 - Development of a pavement electrical energy harvest system; WP 4 - Implementation of a full-scale pavement section with the electrical energy harvest system; WP 5 - Execution of monitored tests using real traffic or a traffic simulator; WP 6 - Application of the pavement electrical energy harvest system in a speed control hump of a municipal road; WP 7 - Dissemination of the results of the research Project. This paper describes what was planned, what has already been done and what will be done during this last year.
Keywords: road pavement, energy harvesting, clean energy, vehicle road interaction
Cite this article: Adelino Ferreira, Francisco Duarte. PAVENERGY - RESEARCH PROJECT TO DEVELOP NEW PAVEMENT ENERGY HARVESTING SOLUTIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 13, 163-171 (2019).
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