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Economy & Business 2024, 23rd International Conference
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Call for Papers

Economy & Business, Volume 13, 2019

Nellija Titova, Maris Freifalts
Pages: 196-208
Published: 5 Oct 2019
Views: 727
Downloads: 67
Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review extant literature in the field of performance measurement. The analysis covers study trends and development of scientific research on performance measurement as well as reveal resources with high impact Design/methodology/approach – The study consists of a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles conducted for ten-year period 2009-2018 This paper provides an update of Neely’s work ‘‘The evolution of performance measurement research’’ and Paolo Taticchi, Flavio Tonelli and Luca Cagnazzo “Performance measurement and management: a literature review and a research agenda”. Citation/co-citation analysis has been used to explore ‘‘performance measurement’’ (PM) literature, while a chronological review or science mapping of main frameworks is presented to explore developments in the field globally. The applied investigation methods were chosen based on the analysis of existing scientometric data: the number and dynamics of published documents; their subject area and type; source title; territory/country; affiliation; authors; h-index, etc. Findings – The paper carries out the most cited works and mappes them on a timeline that indicates the years of the greatest research activity. It crystallizes the research activities in the field and highlights the main dimensions and sub-dimensions. The research identifies the key authors based on a citation/co-citation analysis and sheds the light on ever green as well as promising directionsfor the further research. Research limitations/implications – The analysis was undertaken within the field covering representative pool of existing peer-reviewed articles for bibliometric analysis. The research scope is limited to performance measurement. Originality/value – Study provides the timescale and frameworks’ characteristics identified. By aggregating and systematization the business performance measurement frameworks covered, the paper might be of great interest to scholars and practitioners interested in the updates on the literature evolution and in identifying future areas of research.
Keywords: business performance management, performance measurement, bibliometric analysis, science mapping
Cite this article: Nellija Titova, Maris Freifalts. THE PROGRESS AND ADVANCEMENT OF THE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT RESEARCH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 13, 196-208 (2019).
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