Jarmila Lazíková, Anna Bandlerová, Ivan Takáč, Ľubica Rumanovská, Oľga Roháčiková, Zuzana Lazíková
Pages: 385-398
Published: 5 Oct 2019
Views: 813
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Abstract: The agricultural land is a natural heritage of each country. The agricultural land protection is a complex role where the interests of agriculture, industry, housing, transport and environment should be taken into account to ensure the harmony in these relations. The Slovak law maker uses various legal measures to protect the agricultural land, such as obligation of land owner to protect the land against the degradation and devastation, fees for agricultural land withdrawal for the non-agricultural purposes, restrictions in the land transactions when land is purchased or leased. We assume that the adoption of a legal measure should be accompanied by the complex analysis of its impact on the land protection to ensure that the new legal measure fulfils its intended role. Moreover, we assume that the innovations should be the central focused point of the land protection.
Keywords: agricultural land, land protection, land transactions, land grabbing, land consolidation
Cite this article: Jarmila Lazíková, Anna Bandlerová, Ivan Takáč, Ľubica Rumanovská, Oľga Roháčiková, Zuzana Lazíková. AGRICULTURAL LAND PROTECTION – THE CASE OF SLOVAKIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 13, 385-398 (2019).
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